This is the moment in life where quality matters.



Add your name to the list of satisfied clients by scheduling online or calling today.



We strive for excellence. Check out our over 1,100 five-star reviews on Yelp & Google!



Dwellinspect gives back by donating to and volunteering with multiple charities in the Phoenix area.



“Inspector of the Year” award winners three years in a row, because you deserve the best, and we deliver.

You deserve so much more than just a great inspection

With Dwellinspect Arizona, you get more than just a thorough inspection—you receive valuable insights and practical solutions for your home.

What our clients say about Dwellinspect

More than just an inspection company

Our team is dedicated to educating our clients. We've created multiple resources to help home buyers and homeowners get even more information about their property and the current market.

More than just a trusted resource

The home buying and inspection process can be overwhelming, so we’ve curated even more resources for buyers and agents to make the process as clear and simple as possible.  

Use our online scheduling system to book an inspection today. Once you have selected a day and time, your job is done. Allow our friendly office managers to handle the details from there.

As a new home buyer, there’s a lot to learn about the buying process and home ownership. Your agent will be guiding you through this process, but we’ve also put together some resources that may help.

A Realtor's job involves multitasking, showing homes, scheduling appointments, inspections, contractors, etc. Included in this link are some tools which we have created to help make your job easier!