10/17/18 - New Home Inspector Program roll out for Agents and Buyers

“If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product,
you’ve launched too late.”

— Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn

I was recently inspired by a social media post that we were tagged in by a great local real estate agent and friend. In his Instagram stories, he took a video of some "handyman wiring" and joked 'Is this code?' And while its clearly not code (and rather funny), it leads me to think that there is perhaps an opportunity to use social media as a quick reference tool for realtors and home buyers alike while out previewing properties. Maybe you see something that you are unsure about or want to know if its something to be concerned about, etc? So, I've spent the day thinking about how to roll something like this out, would it be used, could we get any traction, how would the timeline work, etc. And then I came across the above quote from the one of the founders of LinkedIn. So, here we go...

If you find something that you are unsure about in a house, we want to be your "go-to" inspection resource and help to answer any questions you may have. You'll look both professional and resourceful to your clients. Additionally, we believe that it will help to avoid any uncomfortable inspection conversations.

Here are the rules:
1) Take a video and/or picture of the item in question and post it to your Instagram story or feed.
2) Tag us in the story or post (@dwellinspectaz)
3) We'll respond as soon as possible with an answer.  

Pretty simple. We hope to be of assistance. 

Here's to trying new things! Have a great week! 

- Sean Garvey
Dwell Inspect Arizona
(480) 867 - 4599


One Year Anniversary Celebration!


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