8/12/18 At Dwell Inspect Arizona - To become the fastest growing home inspection firm - We Set Goals and Revisit Them Too!
“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”
—Andrew Carnegie
This week I took some time to reflect on the goals that I set at the beginning of the year. I like to set at least a few goals that are seemingly unattainable. Goals that challenge my business, my relationships, my fitness, my personal growth, and much more. There is an old adage, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” Well, being in a new market with a new business, I set goals that were the equivalent of the moon. Fortunately, I've connected with some amazing people, and those numbers will likely be demolished. Our other inspection companies, in Hawaii and Georgia, have also far surpassed their numbers from last year. I've become a true believer of writing your goals down, but recently discovered an equally important aspect to reaching success. You must review these goals often to ensure that you are on pace. A consistent reminder will correct and motivate your path so that you can reach even higher the next time.
If you set goals and forget them, then it's easy to allow yourself to fail. However, if you set goals, review them, and remind yourself why they are important, I truly believe that you'll achieve them - no matter how great they may seem from the onset.
- Sean Garvey
Dwell Inspect Arizona
(480) 867 - 4599